
Adele Sewell

I am classed as a Teacher Educator and Teach Teacher training courses Professional Graduate and Post Graduate Certificate in Education,. Certificate in education, Diploma in Education and Training. All of these qualifications are FurtherEducation teacher training courses

I qualified in 1989 and worked as a primary school teacher initially.  I then spent a number of years supply teaching before starting with the Education Alliance as a Quality and TrainingManager.  I became involved in early years education and was part of the first wave of trainers to promote the EYFS.I then worked at a number of Further Education Colleges teaching on Foundation degrees before taking up a post at Bishop Burton College.  

I currently have a Masters degree in education which I undertook whilst working in the primary school sector. I am looking at a PhD in education with a focus on the observation process and its affects on wellbeing. I am currently involved in a project to monitor staff who undertake unseen observations.

I also have an interest in coaching and mentoring especially to support both staff and students within the classroom. As part of my current role my subject specialism is education which has led me to speak at local conferences and staff training events. I currently an the research chair for the college which enables me to promote research activity within the college.

I am currently a Senior Fellow with the HEA which reflects my role at Bishop BurtonCollege.

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