
Learning is 'Learnable'

For children to excel in the classroom and life beyond school, they need to develop a particular academic skill set. The Learning Skills Framework outlines what these learning behaviours are and what they look like in practice. They can be regarded as both a mechanism and outcome of a successful education.

Reinforce positive learning behaviours
Develop evidence informed classroom practice
Provide feedback to parents
learner support strategies, meta cognitive learning
Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, learners in the classroomStructural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, learner support strategies
Develop metacognition with Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, curriculum barriers to learning

Take classroom learning to the next level

Find out how our metacognitive resources remove barriers to learning and add extra challenge to the curriculum.

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What's in the Resource Pack?

What are learning skills?

These are the academic skills are central to generating subject-based knowledge. They include: Metacognition, critical thinking and communication skills. Building on these cognitive and behavioural competencies forms a solid foundation for attainment and sets children up for lifelong success. The badging system enables children to understand the importance of these skills and reinforces their adoption across whole school communities.

curriculum barriers to learning, learners with barriers to learningcurriculum barriers to learning, students learning in classroomcurriculum barriers to learning, meta cognitive learningstudents learning in classroom, learners in the classroomstudents learning in classroom, learner support strategies
students learning in classroom, learners with barriers to learningstudents learning in classroom, curriculum barriers to learningstudents learning in classroom, meta cognitive learningmeta cognitive learning, learners in the classroommeta cognitive learning, learner support strategies
meta cognitive learning, learners with barriers to learningmeta cognitive learning, curriculum barriers to learningmeta cognitive learning, students learning in classroomlearners in the classroom, learner support strategieslearners in the classroom, learners with barriers to learning
learners in the classroom, curriculum barriers to learninglearners in the classroom, students learning in classroomlearners in the classroom, meta cognitive learninglearner support strategies, learners in the classroomlearner support strategies, learners with barriers to learning
learner support strategies, curriculum barriers to learninglearner support strategies, students learning in classroomlearner support strategies, meta cognitive learninglearners with barriers to learning, learners in the classroomlearners with barriers to learning, learner support strategies
learners with barriers to learning, curriculum barriers to learninglearners with barriers to learning, students learning in classroomlearners with barriers to learning, meta cognitive learningcurriculum barriers to learning, learners in the classroomcurriculum barriers to learning, learner support strategies
curriculum barriers to learning, learners with barriers to learningcurriculum barriers to learning, students learning in classroomcurriculum barriers to learning, meta cognitive learningstudents learning in classroom, learners in the classroomstudents learning in classroom, learner support strategies

Download the overview

The Learning Skills are divided into four main sections. Using child-friendly language, they demystify what learning behaviours actually are.

students learning in classroom, learners with barriers to learning
Social Skills

1. Learning Together
2. Communicating Clearly

students learning in classroom, curriculum barriers to learning
Cognitive Skills

3. Thinking it Through
4. Reflecting on my Learning

students learning in classroom, meta cognitive learning
Creative Skills

5. Being Creative
6. Making Connections

meta cognitive learning, learners in the classroom
Personal Skills

7. Staying Engaged
8. Building Resilience

Download the Creativity Checklist

This sample of the framework illustrates how teachers can monitor the development of Learning Skills.

meta cognitive learning, learners with barriers to learning
“Learning is the new skill. Imagination, creation and asking new questions are at its core.” Sugata Mitra

"You can take the children who are not engaged and misbehaving and bring joy, understanding and purpose to learning."

Martin Howlett, MBE
Structural Learning, meta cognitive learning, curriculum barriers to learningStructural Learning, meta cognitive learning, students learning in classroomStructural Learning, learners in the classroom, learner support strategiesStructural Learning, learners in the classroom, learners with barriers to learning

"‘There is not enough emphasis on skills right now in the UK education system. Two of the biggest skills are communication and collaboration, both of these are explained in the framework."

Prof Anne Bamford, OBE, Strategic Director for Education, Culture and Skills, City of London
Structural Learning, learners in the classroom, curriculum barriers to learningStructural Learning, learners in the classroom, students learning in classroomStructural Learning, learners in the classroom, meta cognitive learningStructural Learning, learner support strategies, learners in the classroom

What do the experts think?

A team based at Cambridge University conducted a series of interviews with our early users. Their opinion has helped shape this movement into what it has become today.

Structural Learning, learner support strategies, learners with barriers to learning


Are these 21st Century Skills?

Not exactly but there will be some cross-over. These skills have their routes in evidence-informed education and have been shown to advance academic attainment. For example, 'Learning Together' is based upon the work of Neil Mercer and his concept of 'Inter-thinking'. 'Reflecting on my Learning' is based upon the Education Endowment Foundations Metacognition guidance materials.

How do we use it?

The spreadsheet and guidance materials enable schools to track the progress of their pupils. The badges are used to give specific feedback to children when they have demonstrated progress in any given area.

How do these skills impact subject knowledge?

Academic knowledge is built when learners act upon or do something productive with the curriculum content. This might be explaining a concept to someone else or reviewing what they know in order to identify gaps in their understanding. These 'learnable' skills and behaviours develop the attributes of a life-long learner.

As a school, is this for us?

If you tick any of these boxes the answer is yes:
a) You want to develop a culture of active learning as you have concerns over classroom passivity.
b) Your school system has a clear agenda for developing children's ability to learn.
c) You don't 'teach to the test'.

Is it for primary or secondary?

Both. If you are in the business of learning you are in the business of developing learning skills and behaviours.

Structural Learning, learner support strategies, curriculum barriers to learning
School Membership

Sensible pricing for every school

Our annual school membership offer means that your classrooms have the tools to plan, deliver and assess classroom thinking and learning.

What's in your school membership?

School memberships are calculated on the size of your school

£3 per pupil per year

Minimum of £400 and a maximum of £2500 per school.

learner support strategies, students learning in classroom

Universal Thinking Framework

Structural Learning, learner support strategies, meta cognitive learning
Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, learners in the classroom

Thinking guides and Graphic Organisers

Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, learner support strategies
Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, curriculum barriers to learning

Curriculum Support Materials

Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, students learning in classroom
Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, meta cognitive learning

Learning Skills Assessment and Badges

Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, learners in the classroom
Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, learner support strategies

Research Repository

Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, learners with barriers to learning
Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, students learning in classroom

Weekly Cognition and Learning Newsletter

Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, meta cognitive learning
Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, learners in the classroom

Writer's Block Classroom Kits

Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, learner support strategies

20 % off all products

Physical Cards

£5 per pack

Professional Development

Full staff launch session and annual workshop

Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, learners with barriers to learning
Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, curriculum barriers to learning

Access to all of the of the CPD Modules and induction sessions

Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, meta cognitive learning
Structural Learning, meta cognitive learning, learners in the classroom

Research into Practice Program

Structural Learning, meta cognitive learning, learner support strategies

Various options available

Coming Soon...

Interactive Guide Builder

Structural Learning, meta cognitive learning, learners with barriers to learning
Structural Learning, meta cognitive learning, curriculum barriers to learning

User Created Thinking Guides

Structural Learning, meta cognitive learning, students learning in classroom
Structural Learning, learners in the classroom, learner support strategies
School Membership

Sensible pricing for every school

Our annual school membership offer means that your classrooms have the tools to plan, deliver and assess classroom thinking and learning.
Membership Enquiry
Download membership summary

What's in your school membership?

School memberships are calculated on the size of your school

£4 per pupil per year

Minimum of £400 and a maximum of £2500 per school.

learners in the classroom, learners with barriers to learning
Structural Learning, learners in the classroom, students learning in classroom
Structural Learning, learner support strategies, learners in the classroom

Curriculum Support Materials

Structural Learning, learner support strategies, learners with barriers to learning
Structural Learning, learner support strategies, curriculum barriers to learning
Structural Learning, learner support strategies, meta cognitive learning
Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, learner support strategies
Structural Learning, learners with barriers to learning, students learning in classroom

£199 per pack

Physical Cards

£5 per pack

Professional Development
Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, learner support strategies

Access to all of the of the CPD Modules and induction sessions

Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, learners with barriers to learning
Structural Learning, curriculum barriers to learning, students learning in classroom

Various options available

Coming Soon...

Interactive Guide Builder

Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, learners in the classroom
Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, learner support strategies

User Created Thinking Guides

Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, learners with barriers to learning
Structural Learning, students learning in classroom, curriculum barriers to learning