
The Science of improved language comprehension

EP Magazine

Language comprehension deficits for chiddren with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) need not necessarily be permanent.

critical thinking in schools, teaching and learning

The Role of Metacognition in Education

Izabela Krasiejko

According to the ideas that define the changes of the contemporary education in Poland, school should not be an institution focused only on teaching, but it also should develop the urge to learn in students, to help them in their self-development and self-realization.

meta cognitive learning, critical thinking in education

The 5 Literacies of Mindful Learning

Educational Leadership

When we show students how to be present and focused, they not only learn better, but they also live better.

meta cognitive learning, critical thinking in schools

Special educational needs: an analysis and summary of data sources


This report from the DfE gives an overview of the attainment, progress and destinations of children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

meta cognitive learning, cognitive load theory

SEN support: a survey of schools and colleges


SEN support is the term given to children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities and require support, but who do not have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or Statement of SEN.

meta cognitive learning, metacognition in education

Self-Sufficient Learners Make Successful Workers

Science of learning

It’s easy to see that escalating technical, socioeconomic, geopolitical, and demographic changes are altering how we work and the nature of jobs. Many call these changes the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

meta cognitive learning, teaching and learning

Rethinking Learning Potential

Independent School

One of a teacher’s most essential jobs is to guide and motivate students to increase their intelligence.

cognitive load theory, critical thinking in education

Questioning for Controversial and Critical Thinking Dialogues in the Social Studies Classroom

Issues in Teacher Education

To conceptualize questioning it may be best to define the word by its basic meanings. The American Heritage Dictionary (1991) defines a question as “an expression of inquiry that invites or calls for a reply”.

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Critical Thinking

Pursuing the DEPTHS of Knowledge

Educational Leadership

Whether students are engaging in deep learning or just recalling facts, rigorous instruction should be part of the plan.

cognitive load theory, meta cognitive learning

Preparing for literacy: Improving communication, language and literacy in the early years

Education Endowment Foundation

This report focuses on the teaching of communication, language and literacy to children aged between 3 and 5. It may also be relevant for older pupils who have fallen behind their peers, or for younger pupils who are making rapid progress.

cognitive load theory, metacognition in education

Overcoming barriers to student achievement in mathematics through teachers’ action research

University of Bristol

This project looked at ways in which teachers can raise attainment in GCSE mathematics and thereby increase the access chances of more disadvantaged pupils.

cognitive load theory, teaching and learning

Neuroscience reveals that boredom hurts


Students who seem to willfully defy admonishments to focus on their work may not be doing so intentionally but rather as a normal, age-appropriate brain reaction.

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Metacognition in Liberal Education

Liberal Education

The group found that metacognition was an effective tool for focusing students’ attention more consciously on their learning

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Metacognition and self-regulated learning

Education Endowment Foundation

The Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning kit was launched in 2011 and continues to show Metacognitive practice as a high performing classroom strategy.

metacognition in education, meta cognitive learning

Literacy and the whole child

Literacy Today

Whole child pedagogy centers on the belief that children should not be conceptualized as a disparate collection of cognitive, physical, and socioemotional parts, but instead should be viewed as dynamic individuals.

metacognition in education, cognitive load theory

Literacy difficulties – the Driver Youth Trust position

The Driver Youth Trust

The Driver Youth Trust (DYT) is a charity which aims to improve the outcomes of young people who struggle with literacy.

metacognition in education, teaching and learning

Learning to learn: understanding the brain and learning


Being able to learn new information with the ability to retain and recall is necessary for attainment.

teaching and learning, critical thinking in education

Improving literacy in secondary schools

Education Endowment Foundation

Young people who leave school with poor literacy skills have poorer outcomes on almost every measure including health, employment and finance.

teaching and learning, critical thinking in schools

How to Know What Students Know

Educational Leadership

Total participation techniques get all students engaged with content, giving teachers feedback about what they know.

teaching and learning, meta cognitive learning

How Metacognitive Strategies Can Maximize Learning

The International Educator

Gregory Thomas defines metacognition as an individual’s knowledge, awareness and control of his/her thinking and learning strategies.

teaching and learning, cognitive load theory

Fulfilling the promise of highly able students in secondary schools

Dr R. Montacute for the The Sutton Trust

The Sutton Trust’s Missing Talent report found that 15 per cent of previously high attaining pupils at key stage 2 (KS2) failed to achieve in the top 25 per cent at GCSE, and that this group of ‘missing talent’ is more likely to include students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

teaching and learning, metacognition in education
Critical Thinking

Bridging the word gap at transition

Oxford University Press

Much has been written about the importance of closing the word gap as children start primary school. However, there has been relatively little focus on the transition from primary to secondary school (10–11 year olds).

critical thinking in education, critical thinking in schools

Social Mobility and covid-19

The Sutton Trust

This briefing looks at how the current Covid-19 crisis is likely to impact the most disadvantaged young people during their time in education and into the workplace.

critical thinking in education, meta cognitive learning

Study for Early Education and Development

E. Melhuish and J. Gardiner for DfE

The Study of Early Education and Development (SEED) includes a major longitudinal study designed to provide evidence on the effectiveness of early years education.

critical thinking in education, cognitive load theory

Improving mathematics in the early years and key stage 1

Educational Endowment Foundation

Early mathematical understanding for young children is strongly associated with later school achievement. However, not all children learn the skills they need to succeed.

critical thinking in education, metacognition in education

Special educational needs and disabilities

House of Commons Education Committee

In 2014 Parliament introduced legislation to transform the educational experiences of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

critical thinking in education, teaching and learning

Cultural Education Partnershipss


The Cultural Education Partnership Group (CEPG) was formed in 2012. It is made up of strategic partners who are interested in shared approaches to improving access to cultural education for young people.

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Critical thinking skills fire up teacher learning

The shifting landscape of adult learning

Teachers and educational leaders need to be fully and continuously be supported in their professional growth around the changes they face.

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Critical Thinking

Closing the gap? Trends in educational attainment and disadvantage

Education Policy Institute:

This report from the Education Policy Institute (EPI) considers the attainment gaps between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers.

critical thinking in schools, cognitive load theory

Catalysts for Creativity

Educational Leadership

We tend to think of creativity as fairy dust, magic, and eureka moments. In fact, it’s a process.

critical thinking in schools, metacognition in education

Building Students Sense

Educational Leadership

Practices inspired by the maker movement can build students’ sensitivity to design and empower them to design and redesign things themselves.

critical thinking in schools, teaching and learning
Problem Solving

Improving Literacy in Key Stage Two


Good literacy skills provide us with the building blocks not just for academic success, but for fulfilling careers and rewarding lives.

meta cognitive learning, critical thinking in education

Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools


Young people who leave school without good literacy skills are held back at every stage of life.

meta cognitive learning, critical thinking in schools

Three things systems thinkers do

Cabrera Research

Your brain will process information into mental models (organised information that affects how we see the world). Organised stuff becomes useable knowledge.

meta cognitive learning, cognitive load theory

Visual thinking strategies = creative and critical thinking


The synergy that occurs between creativity and critical thinking allows powerful learning to occur.

meta cognitive learning, metacognition in education

Making Thinking Visible

Ron Ritchhart

When learners speak, write, or draw their ideas, they deepen their cognition. Project Zero's Visible Thinking approach shows how.

meta cognitive learning, teaching and learning

Habits of Mind Self Assessment


A short reflection activity for children.

cognitive load theory, critical thinking in education
Learning behaviours

Habits of Mind


Traditional settings focus on how many answers a student knows. When we teach for the Habits of Mind, we are interested also in how students behave when they don't know an answer.

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Learning behaviours

Life Lessons: Improving essential life skills for young people

The Sutton Trust

Adult life requires a range of skills in order for people to flourish, both in the workplace and in their daily lives, from the confidence and motivation to seek challenges and complete tasks, to the interpersonal skills that aid teamwork and other social interactions.

cognitive load theory, meta cognitive learning

Worldwide Educating For the Future Index

The Economist

The rapid development of digital technology and the globalised nature of economic systems are creating an entirely new set of educational challenges for the world to adapt to.

cognitive load theory, metacognition in education

The impact of non-cognitive skills on outcomes for young people


The term ‘non-cognitive skills’ refers to a set of attitudes, behaviours, and strategies that are thought to underpin success in school and at work, such as motivation, perseverance, and self-control.

cognitive load theory, teaching and learning
Learning behaviours

Hard Thinking About Soft Skills

Guy Claxton and Arthur Costa

Habits like persisting and drawing on past knowledge are some of the most essential dispositions we can teach.

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Learning behaviours

The emergence and early development of self regulation in young children

Cambridge University

Metacognitive and self-regulatory abilities are of fundamental significance for children’s general and academic development, and also, that these abilities are highly teachable.

metacognition in education, critical thinking in schools

EEF Metacognition Summary


Metacognition and Self Regulated Learning Summary of recommendations

metacognition in education, meta cognitive learning

Collaborative Reasoning: Expanding Ways for Children to Talk and Think in School

Educational Psychology Review

Collaborative Reasoning discussions are intended to create a forum for children to listen to one another think out loud as they learn to engage in reasoned argumentation.

metacognition in education, cognitive load theory
Problem Solving

Collaborative problem-solving and why it matters for learning

Rose Luckin - University College London

Collaborative problem-solving is a key skill for the workplace, and its importance is only likely to grow as further automation takes place.

metacognition in education, teaching and learning
Problem Solving

Playful Writing

University of Cambridge

Building stories together to inspire young writers: a teacher handbook

teaching and learning, critical thinking in education

Children with better co-ordination more likely to achieve at school

University of Leeds

Young children with better eye-to-hand co-ordination were more likely to achieve higher scores for reading, writing and maths according to new research.

teaching and learning, critical thinking in schools

Summary of the benefits of Lego


A short outline of why building bricks are so important.

teaching and learning, meta cognitive learning

Back to the basics with six bricks

Brent Hutcheson

Deceptively simple but extremely powerful educational approach.

teaching and learning, cognitive load theory

Blocks: “Standard” Equipment for Today’s Primary Classrooms

Sean Durham

Blocks: Great Learning Tools From Infancy Through the Primary Grades

teaching and learning, metacognition in education

Low achievers during collaborative problem solving

Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations, University of Northern Iowa

he purpose of this study was to extend this research by examining the influence of additional factors, in particular, achievement goals and comprehension monitoring, on low achieving students’ constructive activity after receiving help from a high achieving peer.

critical thinking in education, critical thinking in schools
Problem Solving

From Cognitive Load Theory to Collaborative Cognitive Load Theory

Paul Kirschner & John Sweller

We illustrate how and why cognitive load theory, by adding these concepts, can throw light on collaborative learning and generate principles specific to the design and study of collaborative learning.

critical thinking in education, meta cognitive learning
Problem Solving

Solved! Making the case for collaborative problem-solving


The evidence set out in this report confirms a great deal of research which has shown the rising importance of a cluster of skills that are both very ancient, and very relevant to the near future.

critical thinking in education, cognitive load theory
Problem Solving

How can we foster creativity in school?


Andreas Schleicher, Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD addresses an audience in Paris.

critical thinking in education, metacognition in education

Teaching Inference

Robert J. Marzano

Thinking and reasoning processes such as problem solving, decision making, and the like have been identified as legitimate and even necessary 21st century skills. Making inferences is the foundation to many higher-level thinking processes.

critical thinking in education, teaching and learning
Critical Thinking

Skill 5: Critical Thinking

Ellen Galinsky and Nicole Gardner

In this issue, Ellen and Nicole discuss the fifth life skill, critical thinking, and offer teachers practical suggestions for promoting this skill in their work with preschoolers.

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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools

The Foundation for Critical Thinking

This miniature guide focuses on of the essence of critical thinking concepts and tools distilled into pocket size.

critical thinking in schools, meta cognitive learning
Critical Thinking

How to Teach Critical Thinking

Daniel T. Willingham

Despite consensus on the need for critical thinking, there is still considerable debate over how it is learned and, subsequently, how education can best support students to develop critical thinking capabilities.

critical thinking in schools, cognitive load theory
Critical Thinking

Durham Commission on Creativity and Education

Durham University

The Commission is a joint research collaboration between Durham University and Arts Council England, convened to look at the role creativity and creative thinking should play in the education of young people.

critical thinking in schools, metacognition in education