Structural Learning, classroom teaching practices, learning and teaching
Structural Learning, classroom practice, structural learning
Structural Learning, classroom practice, classroom teaching practices
Structural Learning, classroom practice, learners in the classroom
Structural Learning, classroom practice, teaching and learning
Develop metacognition with Structural Learning, classroom practice, learning and teaching

Take classroom learning to the next level

Find out how our metacognitive resources remove barriers to learning and add extra challenge to the curriculum.

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From educational theory to classroom practice

Our goal is to create a dialogue about the transformative power of research evidence in the classroom.  Our approach to teacher education helps educators learn new ways of problem-solving and empowers them with new instructional skills. Our design thinking mantra enables teachers to reframe learner needs with practical evidence-informed ideas.

Structural Learning, learners in the classroom, structural learning
Staff Meeting
Approximately One hour
Online or in person
For schools that are interested

An engaging presentation on a key theme for your staff

Try out the tools and frameworks

Understand more about the research

Structural Learning, learners in the classroom, classroom teaching practices
Between 2 and 3 hours
Online or in person
For schools that want to learn more about cognition

An in-depth workshop covering practical applications of cognitive science

Tools to take back to your classroom

Structural Learning, learners in the classroom, classroom practice
Full-day Inset
Between 5 and 6 hours of delivery either in person or split over two days online
For schools that have a strategic focus

An interactive day of activities and presentations for all of your staff

Opportunities to talk through ideas and make curriculum plans

Structural Learning, learners in the classroom, teaching and learning
Research into Practice
Four 2 hour sessions delivered over an academic term
For schools and teachers that are making changes

A series of sessions that enable staff to create lasting change

Dig deep into learner needs

Create evidence-informed strategies and measure outcomes

What's your school priority?


How can schools develop a culture of reflective, independent learning?

learners in the classroom, learning and teachingExplore
Critical Thinking

How can we encourage our students to work at a greater depth?

Critical Thinking in the Classroom, teaching and learning, structural learningExplore
Rosenshine's Principles

Discover practical ways to implement the Rosenshine Principles of Instruction.

Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction Course, teaching and learning, classroom teaching practicesExplore
Whole-School Literacy

What strategies can we embed to develop reading and writing?

Literacy development, teaching and learning, classroom practiceExplore
Inclusive Learning

How can we reduce barriers to learning and provide greater access to education?

teaching and learning, learners in the classroomExplore
Formative Assessment

Why is Formative assessment such an integral part of the learning experience and what practical activities can teachers utilise?

teaching and learning, learning and teachingExplore
Develop metacognition with Structural Learning, learning and teaching, structural learning

Are your class really engaged in the learning process?

Are you concerned about classroom passivity? Are all your learners engaged? Are your pupils curious? Add precision to your learning walks and lesson observations with this new tool.

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"I can't tell you how much we enjoyed the session, how useful the resources are (and Paul's energy and enthusiasm for the process we're engaged in). The Research into Practice Program is helping us explore - and look ahead to design, experiment and share." Jenny Powlesland, Teaching and Learning Lead, Leighton Park School

Popular Courses

Improving literacy outcomes with metacognitive strategies (click for details)

Who is this for?
If your primary or secondary school has identified literacy outcomes as a concern, this course is for you. We see literacy as a whole school responsibility that needs a joined up approach.

In summary, the INSET course provides delegates with a fresh perspective. Metacognition plays an integral role in literacy, and delegates will receive a new layer of understanding as they explore some practical applications for its implementation.

By embracing evidence from metacognitive research, the course investigates how teachers can optimise communication, reading, and writing outcomes. You will have the opportunity to deconstruct and evaluate some universally accepted literacy principles, helping you facilitate effective classroom strategies. Breaking down literacy into its three core components of reading, writing, and communication, allows you to consider and develop practical strategies for enhancing these components.

This process enables you to: Develop students that can think critically, comprehend new ideas, and appropriate inferences. Utilise language frameworks that assist younger students in expressing their understanding of a topic. Organise ideas into effective writing plans.

Developing learner independence: Promoting critical thinking and autonomy across your school (click for details)

Who is this for?
If your your pupils are reluctant 'to think for themselves' and sometimes come across as a little passive, this course is for you. Within this course we will look at how we can plan for cognition and facilitate deeper, more active thinking across your school. Download the details below.

Using cognitive science to support memory and comprehension (click for details)

Who is this for?
If your school wants to embrace new ideas within cognitive science but are unsure of how to get started, this course is for you.

Within this course delegates will dig deep into principals that have been identified as 'high impact'. We will use a base of research from popular authors such as Rosenshine. Delegates will get the chance to create plans of how to move forward with the key ideas from cognitive science.

Thinking online: Embracing active learning tools to support educational outcomes (click for details)

If you are concerned that some of your remote learning experiences are not as active as they could be, this course is for you. Ensuring that your students are engaging with the curriculum effectively can be a challenge when they are not in the same room. We will look at practical strategies to get your students thinking independently.

Practical support for innovative teachers

All of our workshops are built on a solid evidence base.

Embodied Cognition
Working Memory
Sequencing learning
Long-Term Memory
Critical Thinking

Who's engaged in our workshops?

Have engaged with Structural Learning
Have used our tools
Are running research, seminars or programs
Everyone's learning

CPD for all stages of a teaching career

Want to get your staff thinking differently about learning? Our 'perspective shifting' sessions on all things cognition and learning are suitable for senior leaders, literacy coordinators, head teachers, NQTs, RQT's, students and supply teachers.

Critical Thinking
Sheffield Hallam University
University of Worcester
Birmingham city
Structural Learning, learning and teaching, classroom teaching practices
Structural Learning, learning and teaching, classroom practice

Click to reveal how the Research into Practice Program can work in your school


Initial conversation

We have an open conversation to find out about your school and your needs. We undertake an initial needs analysis Book Now.



In an online workshop, we dig deep into the learning needs of your classrooms. We explore some of the key ideas from the evidence base.



Participants create a 'hunch' of what might work. They continually experiment in the classroom and gather observations.



Teachers consider what has worked use this to inform curriculum planning in their classroom or across their school.

Membership Enquiry

Arrange a time to talk

If you're curious about this approach and want to find out a little more before you make any decisions then give us a call. If you prefer, you can send an email to: paul@structural-learning.com

Structural Learning, learning and teaching, learners in the classroom