High Functioning Autism
A teacher's introduction to high-functioning autism and what classroom support might be useful.
A teacher's introduction to high-functioning autism and what classroom support might be useful.
High functioning autism, often referred to within the context of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), presents a complex and multifaceted picture that challenges conventional understanding. According to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders v.5 (DSM-V), autism is characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.
High functioning autism, specifically, is a term often applied to autistic individuals who may not exhibit intellectual disabilities but still face significant challenges in adaptive behaviors. This can include difficulties in understanding emotional sensitivity, managing sensory overload, and coping with emotional distress.
For example, a child with high functioning autism might excel academically but struggle with understanding social cues or experience intense anxiety in social situations. This form of autism in adults and children often requires a nuanced medical diagnosis, considering factors beyond the intelligence quotient (IQ).
High functioning autism is not merely a medical condition but a complex interplay of cognitive, emotional, and sensory experiences that requires a holistic understanding.
A relevant statistic to consider is that approximately 1 in 54 children is diagnosed with ASD, reflecting the broad spectrum and diversity within this diagnosis.
Key Insights:
The exact cause of autism is still unknown, but it is widely thought that autism is thought to have a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There are a few genetic conditions where autism appears to be frequently co-morbid, including Fragile X Syndrome and Prader-Willi Syndrome, but most of the time, there is no known cause. It also appears that there is a genetic link as families with one autistic child are more likely to have another autistic child - though this does not mean that autism is hereditary.
In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and some of his colleagues published a study in the medical journal, The Lancet, where they suggested that the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to autism. Despite a small sample size (n=12), unstructured design and speculative conclusions, the study received a lot of publicity and led to a large number of parents not vaccinating their children. Shortly after the publication, The Lancet published various other studies that refuted the link between the vaccine and autism. Eventually, 10 out of the original 12 co-authors admitted that, “no causal link was established between MMR vaccine and autism as the data were insufficient”.
The Lancet completely retracted the Wakefield et al. paper in February 2010, admitting that several elements in the paper were incorrect, contrary to the findings of the earlier investigation. Wakefield et al. were held guilty of ethical violations and scientific misrepresentation and also found guilty of deliberate fraud as they picked and chose the data that supported their case and falsified facts.
It was also once thought that autism was caused by a poor home environment or cold, stand-offish parenting styles. Kanner (1943) proposed the "refrigerator mother" theory which stated that, although Kanner believed that autism was probably innate in the child, he also noted an apparent coldness on the part of his patients' mothers and assumed that this added to the problem. Again, this theory has also been debunked and it is widely accepted that parenting style is not related to autism.
In earlier literature, you may have come across the term 'high-functioning autistic'. This is an out-dated term and realistically should no longer be used as people from the autistic community feel that this language diminishes the daily struggles they have to navigate.
It is the same for using terms like 'higher ability' and 'lower ability'; it is inflammatory language and can lead to assumptions being made about a child's current and future ability level. It is important to understand how people who are autistic want to be addressed or spoken about, but for the purposes of this article, we will discuss in depth what it means to be 'high-functioning' and how their support needs may differ.
High-functioning autism isn't a clinical diagnosis but it is often referred to individuals who have lower support needs. The characteristics of a person who is high-functioning autistic are very similar to those who have Asperger Syndrome.
It's essential to understand what high-functioning autism actually means in terms of symptoms and everyday life. High-functioning autism is a subtype of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). People with high-functioning autism exhibit behaviors and symptoms similar to those with other forms of autism, but usually have average or above-average intelligence and strong language and cognitive skills.
One of the most common symptoms of high-functioning autism is repetitive behaviors or routines. These can include repeating words or phrases, following a precise schedule or routine, and engaging in repetitive movements, such as hand-flapping or rocking. These behaviors can provide comfort and security for individuals with high-functioning autism and help them regulate their emotions in stressful situations.
Social skills and communication skills are also key characteristics of high-functioning autism. People with high-functioning autism may find it challenging to understand social norms and cues, such as maintaining eye contact during a conversation, picking up on sarcasm or irony, or understanding body language. They may also struggle with making and maintaining friendships, initiating conversations, or expressing emotions.
In everyday life, individuals with high-functioning autism may require additional support or accommodations to help them navigate social situations, work environments, or educational settings. It's important for teachers, employers, and caregivers to understand the unique needs and challenges of people with high-functioning autism, including their strengths and limitations.
Overall, high-functioning autism is one of several neurodevelopmental disorders that can affect a person's social and communication skills, as well as their ability to understand and navigate the world around them. While every individual with autism is unique, understanding the characteristics and common symptoms of the disorder can help create a more supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.
The term 'Asperger Syndrome' derives from a 1944 study by Austrian paediatrician Hans Asperger. Those who fit the profile for Asperger's are now being diagnosed as having autism spectrum disorder, though it is up to the individual to choose how they identify; some may want to keep the label as having Asperger's, others may want to say that they are autistic or on the autism spectrum. Often people feel that Asperger syndrome is a fundamental aspect of their identity.
People with Asperger syndrome see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. Some have described the world as being an overwhelming and confusing environment, often feeling like they don't quite fit it or understand how things work. Again, we all experience the world differently but for people who have Asperger's, their perception and experience of the world around them significantly impacts their daily life.
Typically, one of the defining characteristics of Asperger's is significant language delay and the development of early speech. Often, children do not learn to speak until above the age of 4. This isn't an inability to speak, many children just choose not to speak for one reason or another. Many parents or carers do seek the support of a language therapist to aid speech production. Other defining characteristics for Asperger's include;
1. Often above average intellectual ability
2. High integrity and moral compass
3. Aptitude for recognising patterns
4. Having values that aren't shaped by finance, politics or society
5. Extreme attention to detail
6. Being happy spending time alone
7. Great work ethic
8. Not going along with the crowd if they see a future problem
9. Persistent and can usually be trusted to follow through on tasks that are started
10. Not being inclined to lie or harm others intentionally
11. Bringing a different perspective when problem solving
12. Being more likely to pursue higher or further education
13. Have a lot of passion when engaging in activities that interest them
14. Tendency to adhere to routines
As a pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger syndrome is distinguished by a pattern of symptoms rather than a single symptom. It is characterised by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behaviour, activities, and interests, and by no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or general delay in language skills. Having Asperger syndrome can impact one's quality of life, as the areas of life that Asperger's affects are ones that we have to engage in nearly all day every day.
Individuals with Asperger syndrome can experience difficulties in 'reading' other people. Whereas neurotypical people can find it somewhat effortless to recognise and understand other's emotions based on their communication, body language and expressions, people who have Asperger's struggle with this even when they are consciously paying attention to it. Therefore, they can sometimes appear insensitive in situations, and can appear to behave in ways thought to be socially inappropriate or not seek comfort from other people.
These difficulties with social interaction can mean that it is challenging for some students with high functioning autism to make friends. It is not that they don't want to make friends or form relationships, but they just don't know how to go about it. Many people who are high functioning autistic may appear to be more socially functional than they actually are and this is due to them mimicking or mirroring others around them, preparing conversations ahead of time or masking their autistic behaviours. This can be effective, but exhausting.
All people who are autistic, whether they are high-functioning or not, can have difficulties with communication skills. They may have difficulty in understanding verbal and nonverbal communication (facial expressions, tone of voice, body language) and often have a very literal way of interpreting language. This means that 'reading between the lines' can also pose a challenge as high functioning autistic people will often believe that people mean exactly what they say. Additionally, this can mean that idioms such as 'pull your socks up' or 'let's get the ball rolling' can be problematic.
High-functioning autistic children often have very good verbal skills are eloquent but they may still find it difficult to initiate conversations, understand social procedures within social conversations or they may talk at length about their special interests. Maintaining eye contact is also challenging, but this does not mean that the child is not paying attention or listening to the person talking.
A core trait of autism is that individuals will often have very particular and highly focused interests. These interests are usually formed in early childhood and they could be on literally anything from the arts to mathematics, from trains to flags of the world. Researching and spending time indulging in this special interest is often extremely enjoyable for autistic children and many choose careers or work where they can engage in their interest daily, e.g., someone with a high interest in computing could become a software engineer.
The world can be a very unpredictable place and whereas the majority of us have the ability to navigate unexpected changes and surprises with ease, autistic children find this to be very anxiety-inducing. Many autistic children will develop a series of restrictive habits that they form into a structured routine that, once they feel is satisfactory, very rarely changes or deviates.
Some autistic people have expressed that their minds are sometimes going at what feels like a million miles an hour and are taking in so much information, and having a routine that rarely changes allows them to go through their day without having to think about it in too much detail. Others from the autism community have expressed that structure and routine calms their anxieties and brings them a sense of peace when they know what to expect in certain places or at certain times of the day.
Teaching children who are high functioning autistic will require some adaptations, but the impact those adaptations will have are far-reaching. Here are some changes you can make to your classroom and teaching methodologies that will make it more inclusive;
- Idioms - 'jump the gun', 'save your breath', 'let's get the ball rolling'
- Sarcasm - saying 'Good job...' after a child spills something. It is important to note that a child may be able to use sarcasm but still have a difficult time detecting it in others.
- Double meanings
- Nicknames
- Do not overload with verbal information. Use shorter sentences and convey your point clearly and concisely.
It's okay to be weird as long as you're gifted."
If you would like to know more about autism, or how to support students with special needs in general, check out this educational blog or get in touch with Liv directly here.
Accommodating high-functioning ASD individuals in the classroom is essential for their success. It’s important to understand that children with autism spectrum or individuals with autism spectrum have unique needs that, when met, can ensure success in school settings. Neurotypical individuals may not have the same needs, and it's important for teachers to adjust their teaching methods to accommodate everyone's needs.
Some of the common symptoms of autism, such as difficulties with social skills, sensory input, and organizational skills can all play a role in classroom accommodations. Teachers can help by creating a structured and organized learning environment that minimizes sensory input, such as noise and bright lights. Providing ample opportunities for social interaction through group work or peer mentoring may also be beneficial for high-functioning ASD individuals.
Recognition of an autism diagnosis is vital to designing and implementing effective accommodations. Teachers should work alongside parents and educators to identify specific needs and preferences to create an individualized education plan that meets each student's unique requirements.
Ultimately, creating a welcoming and accommodating environment for high-functioning ASD individuals is a team effort that involves teachers, parents, and the students themselves. By providing the necessary support and accommodations, everyone can succeed in the classroom and beyond.
Here are five key research papers focusing on high-functioning autism in education and classroom practice, integrating relevant keywords:
1. The ABC’s of Teaching Social Skills to Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Classroom: The UCLA PEERS Program by E. Laugeson, R. Ellingsen, J. Sanderson, Lara C. K. Tucci, Shannon M. Bates (2014)
Summary: This study evaluates the effectiveness of the PEERS program in improving social skills and decreasing autistic mannerisms in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, focusing on enhancing social communication in classroom settings.
2. Integrating Students with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders in General Physical Education by C. Pan, G. Frey (2003)
Summary: The paper highlights the need for physical educators to understand the unique characteristics of high-functioning autism spectrum disorders and adapt teaching strategies to maximize learning, addressing sensory processing and social relationships.
3. Decreasing Disruptive Vocalizations of a Student With High-Functioning Autism Across Three General Education Classrooms by Devender R. Banda, S. Hart, Suneeta Kercood (2012)
Summary: This research demonstrates the effectiveness of noncontingent attention in reducing disruptive vocalizations in a high-functioning autistic student, emphasizing behavioral analysis and classroom practice adaptations.
4. Principals’ and Teachers’ Reports of Successful Teaching Strategies With Children With High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder by M. Stokes, M. Thomson, Caitlin M. Macmillan, Laura A. Pecora, S. Dymond, E. Donaldson (2017)
Summary: This paper discusses effective teaching strategies for high-functioning autism spectrum disorder, including structured approaches and the incorporation of students' needs, relevant to social communication and autism symptoms.
5. Using embedded instruction to teach functional skills to a preschool child with autism by Salih Rakap, Serife Balikci (2017)
Summary: The study shows how embedded instruction effectively teaches functional skills to a preschool child with autism, leading to increased independence and positive feedback from teachers, addressing aspects like sensory processing and social relationships.
These papers provide valuable insights into educational strategies and classroom practices for high-functioning autistic persons, focusing on areas like social communication, behavioral analysis, and sensory processing.
High functioning autism, often referred to within the context of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), presents a complex and multifaceted picture that challenges conventional understanding. According to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders v.5 (DSM-V), autism is characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.
High functioning autism, specifically, is a term often applied to autistic individuals who may not exhibit intellectual disabilities but still face significant challenges in adaptive behaviors. This can include difficulties in understanding emotional sensitivity, managing sensory overload, and coping with emotional distress.
For example, a child with high functioning autism might excel academically but struggle with understanding social cues or experience intense anxiety in social situations. This form of autism in adults and children often requires a nuanced medical diagnosis, considering factors beyond the intelligence quotient (IQ).
High functioning autism is not merely a medical condition but a complex interplay of cognitive, emotional, and sensory experiences that requires a holistic understanding.
A relevant statistic to consider is that approximately 1 in 54 children is diagnosed with ASD, reflecting the broad spectrum and diversity within this diagnosis.
Key Insights:
The exact cause of autism is still unknown, but it is widely thought that autism is thought to have a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There are a few genetic conditions where autism appears to be frequently co-morbid, including Fragile X Syndrome and Prader-Willi Syndrome, but most of the time, there is no known cause. It also appears that there is a genetic link as families with one autistic child are more likely to have another autistic child - though this does not mean that autism is hereditary.
In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and some of his colleagues published a study in the medical journal, The Lancet, where they suggested that the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to autism. Despite a small sample size (n=12), unstructured design and speculative conclusions, the study received a lot of publicity and led to a large number of parents not vaccinating their children. Shortly after the publication, The Lancet published various other studies that refuted the link between the vaccine and autism. Eventually, 10 out of the original 12 co-authors admitted that, “no causal link was established between MMR vaccine and autism as the data were insufficient”.
The Lancet completely retracted the Wakefield et al. paper in February 2010, admitting that several elements in the paper were incorrect, contrary to the findings of the earlier investigation. Wakefield et al. were held guilty of ethical violations and scientific misrepresentation and also found guilty of deliberate fraud as they picked and chose the data that supported their case and falsified facts.
It was also once thought that autism was caused by a poor home environment or cold, stand-offish parenting styles. Kanner (1943) proposed the "refrigerator mother" theory which stated that, although Kanner believed that autism was probably innate in the child, he also noted an apparent coldness on the part of his patients' mothers and assumed that this added to the problem. Again, this theory has also been debunked and it is widely accepted that parenting style is not related to autism.
In earlier literature, you may have come across the term 'high-functioning autistic'. This is an out-dated term and realistically should no longer be used as people from the autistic community feel that this language diminishes the daily struggles they have to navigate.
It is the same for using terms like 'higher ability' and 'lower ability'; it is inflammatory language and can lead to assumptions being made about a child's current and future ability level. It is important to understand how people who are autistic want to be addressed or spoken about, but for the purposes of this article, we will discuss in depth what it means to be 'high-functioning' and how their support needs may differ.
High-functioning autism isn't a clinical diagnosis but it is often referred to individuals who have lower support needs. The characteristics of a person who is high-functioning autistic are very similar to those who have Asperger Syndrome.
It's essential to understand what high-functioning autism actually means in terms of symptoms and everyday life. High-functioning autism is a subtype of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). People with high-functioning autism exhibit behaviors and symptoms similar to those with other forms of autism, but usually have average or above-average intelligence and strong language and cognitive skills.
One of the most common symptoms of high-functioning autism is repetitive behaviors or routines. These can include repeating words or phrases, following a precise schedule or routine, and engaging in repetitive movements, such as hand-flapping or rocking. These behaviors can provide comfort and security for individuals with high-functioning autism and help them regulate their emotions in stressful situations.
Social skills and communication skills are also key characteristics of high-functioning autism. People with high-functioning autism may find it challenging to understand social norms and cues, such as maintaining eye contact during a conversation, picking up on sarcasm or irony, or understanding body language. They may also struggle with making and maintaining friendships, initiating conversations, or expressing emotions.
In everyday life, individuals with high-functioning autism may require additional support or accommodations to help them navigate social situations, work environments, or educational settings. It's important for teachers, employers, and caregivers to understand the unique needs and challenges of people with high-functioning autism, including their strengths and limitations.
Overall, high-functioning autism is one of several neurodevelopmental disorders that can affect a person's social and communication skills, as well as their ability to understand and navigate the world around them. While every individual with autism is unique, understanding the characteristics and common symptoms of the disorder can help create a more supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.
The term 'Asperger Syndrome' derives from a 1944 study by Austrian paediatrician Hans Asperger. Those who fit the profile for Asperger's are now being diagnosed as having autism spectrum disorder, though it is up to the individual to choose how they identify; some may want to keep the label as having Asperger's, others may want to say that they are autistic or on the autism spectrum. Often people feel that Asperger syndrome is a fundamental aspect of their identity.
People with Asperger syndrome see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. Some have described the world as being an overwhelming and confusing environment, often feeling like they don't quite fit it or understand how things work. Again, we all experience the world differently but for people who have Asperger's, their perception and experience of the world around them significantly impacts their daily life.
Typically, one of the defining characteristics of Asperger's is significant language delay and the development of early speech. Often, children do not learn to speak until above the age of 4. This isn't an inability to speak, many children just choose not to speak for one reason or another. Many parents or carers do seek the support of a language therapist to aid speech production. Other defining characteristics for Asperger's include;
1. Often above average intellectual ability
2. High integrity and moral compass
3. Aptitude for recognising patterns
4. Having values that aren't shaped by finance, politics or society
5. Extreme attention to detail
6. Being happy spending time alone
7. Great work ethic
8. Not going along with the crowd if they see a future problem
9. Persistent and can usually be trusted to follow through on tasks that are started
10. Not being inclined to lie or harm others intentionally
11. Bringing a different perspective when problem solving
12. Being more likely to pursue higher or further education
13. Have a lot of passion when engaging in activities that interest them
14. Tendency to adhere to routines
As a pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger syndrome is distinguished by a pattern of symptoms rather than a single symptom. It is characterised by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behaviour, activities, and interests, and by no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or general delay in language skills. Having Asperger syndrome can impact one's quality of life, as the areas of life that Asperger's affects are ones that we have to engage in nearly all day every day.
Individuals with Asperger syndrome can experience difficulties in 'reading' other people. Whereas neurotypical people can find it somewhat effortless to recognise and understand other's emotions based on their communication, body language and expressions, people who have Asperger's struggle with this even when they are consciously paying attention to it. Therefore, they can sometimes appear insensitive in situations, and can appear to behave in ways thought to be socially inappropriate or not seek comfort from other people.
These difficulties with social interaction can mean that it is challenging for some students with high functioning autism to make friends. It is not that they don't want to make friends or form relationships, but they just don't know how to go about it. Many people who are high functioning autistic may appear to be more socially functional than they actually are and this is due to them mimicking or mirroring others around them, preparing conversations ahead of time or masking their autistic behaviours. This can be effective, but exhausting.
All people who are autistic, whether they are high-functioning or not, can have difficulties with communication skills. They may have difficulty in understanding verbal and nonverbal communication (facial expressions, tone of voice, body language) and often have a very literal way of interpreting language. This means that 'reading between the lines' can also pose a challenge as high functioning autistic people will often believe that people mean exactly what they say. Additionally, this can mean that idioms such as 'pull your socks up' or 'let's get the ball rolling' can be problematic.
High-functioning autistic children often have very good verbal skills are eloquent but they may still find it difficult to initiate conversations, understand social procedures within social conversations or they may talk at length about their special interests. Maintaining eye contact is also challenging, but this does not mean that the child is not paying attention or listening to the person talking.
A core trait of autism is that individuals will often have very particular and highly focused interests. These interests are usually formed in early childhood and they could be on literally anything from the arts to mathematics, from trains to flags of the world. Researching and spending time indulging in this special interest is often extremely enjoyable for autistic children and many choose careers or work where they can engage in their interest daily, e.g., someone with a high interest in computing could become a software engineer.
The world can be a very unpredictable place and whereas the majority of us have the ability to navigate unexpected changes and surprises with ease, autistic children find this to be very anxiety-inducing. Many autistic children will develop a series of restrictive habits that they form into a structured routine that, once they feel is satisfactory, very rarely changes or deviates.
Some autistic people have expressed that their minds are sometimes going at what feels like a million miles an hour and are taking in so much information, and having a routine that rarely changes allows them to go through their day without having to think about it in too much detail. Others from the autism community have expressed that structure and routine calms their anxieties and brings them a sense of peace when they know what to expect in certain places or at certain times of the day.
Teaching children who are high functioning autistic will require some adaptations, but the impact those adaptations will have are far-reaching. Here are some changes you can make to your classroom and teaching methodologies that will make it more inclusive;
- Idioms - 'jump the gun', 'save your breath', 'let's get the ball rolling'
- Sarcasm - saying 'Good job...' after a child spills something. It is important to note that a child may be able to use sarcasm but still have a difficult time detecting it in others.
- Double meanings
- Nicknames
- Do not overload with verbal information. Use shorter sentences and convey your point clearly and concisely.
It's okay to be weird as long as you're gifted."
If you would like to know more about autism, or how to support students with special needs in general, check out this educational blog or get in touch with Liv directly here.
Accommodating high-functioning ASD individuals in the classroom is essential for their success. It’s important to understand that children with autism spectrum or individuals with autism spectrum have unique needs that, when met, can ensure success in school settings. Neurotypical individuals may not have the same needs, and it's important for teachers to adjust their teaching methods to accommodate everyone's needs.
Some of the common symptoms of autism, such as difficulties with social skills, sensory input, and organizational skills can all play a role in classroom accommodations. Teachers can help by creating a structured and organized learning environment that minimizes sensory input, such as noise and bright lights. Providing ample opportunities for social interaction through group work or peer mentoring may also be beneficial for high-functioning ASD individuals.
Recognition of an autism diagnosis is vital to designing and implementing effective accommodations. Teachers should work alongside parents and educators to identify specific needs and preferences to create an individualized education plan that meets each student's unique requirements.
Ultimately, creating a welcoming and accommodating environment for high-functioning ASD individuals is a team effort that involves teachers, parents, and the students themselves. By providing the necessary support and accommodations, everyone can succeed in the classroom and beyond.
Here are five key research papers focusing on high-functioning autism in education and classroom practice, integrating relevant keywords:
1. The ABC’s of Teaching Social Skills to Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Classroom: The UCLA PEERS Program by E. Laugeson, R. Ellingsen, J. Sanderson, Lara C. K. Tucci, Shannon M. Bates (2014)
Summary: This study evaluates the effectiveness of the PEERS program in improving social skills and decreasing autistic mannerisms in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, focusing on enhancing social communication in classroom settings.
2. Integrating Students with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders in General Physical Education by C. Pan, G. Frey (2003)
Summary: The paper highlights the need for physical educators to understand the unique characteristics of high-functioning autism spectrum disorders and adapt teaching strategies to maximize learning, addressing sensory processing and social relationships.
3. Decreasing Disruptive Vocalizations of a Student With High-Functioning Autism Across Three General Education Classrooms by Devender R. Banda, S. Hart, Suneeta Kercood (2012)
Summary: This research demonstrates the effectiveness of noncontingent attention in reducing disruptive vocalizations in a high-functioning autistic student, emphasizing behavioral analysis and classroom practice adaptations.
4. Principals’ and Teachers’ Reports of Successful Teaching Strategies With Children With High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder by M. Stokes, M. Thomson, Caitlin M. Macmillan, Laura A. Pecora, S. Dymond, E. Donaldson (2017)
Summary: This paper discusses effective teaching strategies for high-functioning autism spectrum disorder, including structured approaches and the incorporation of students' needs, relevant to social communication and autism symptoms.
5. Using embedded instruction to teach functional skills to a preschool child with autism by Salih Rakap, Serife Balikci (2017)
Summary: The study shows how embedded instruction effectively teaches functional skills to a preschool child with autism, leading to increased independence and positive feedback from teachers, addressing aspects like sensory processing and social relationships.
These papers provide valuable insights into educational strategies and classroom practices for high-functioning autistic persons, focusing on areas like social communication, behavioral analysis, and sensory processing.